石油产品: petroleum products及: reach; come up to润滑剂: lubricant; unguent; lube; em ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...总分: total points; aggregate scor ...耐石油产品润滑剂: petroleum-resistant lubricant石油;石油产品: petroleum产品总分类: central product classification纯石油产品: straight petroleum products石油产品: naphthaometer; oil products; pet.pord; petroleum products; product of petroleum润滑剂的标定: standardization of lubricants润滑剂的更换: renewing of lubricant润滑剂的流动: bleeding of lubricant润滑剂的流失: bleeding of lubricamt; bleeding of lubricant润滑剂的荧光: lubricant bloom润滑剂的油性: oiliness of lubricant润滑剂的装卸: handling of lubricants石油润滑剂: petroleum grease; petroleum lubricant石油产品中硫醇和二硫化物的总硫量: combined mercaptan and disulide sulfur; combined mereaptan and disulide sulfur不洁石油产品: dpdirty petroleum products; dpdirty petroleun product固化石油产品: solidified petroleum product罐装石油产品: packed petroleum黑色石油产品: black products浓缩石油产品: concentrating petroleum product轻质石油产品: clean oils