石: dan,a unit of dry measure fo ...压载: ballast砾石压载: shingle ballast砂石压载: shingle ballast压载: ballast◇压载 (水)舱 ballast tank石压顶: cut stone coping; stone capping; stone coping金刚石压花: diamond marking金刚石压腔: hdac金刚石压头: brale; diamond indenter; diamond penetrator碎石压路机: macadam roller岩石压力: land weight; rock pre ure; rock pressure; rock thrust; rockpre ure岩石压实: rock compaction钻石压盒: diamond cell二次岩石压力: secondary rock pressure金刚石压痕计: diamond indenter岩石压力测量: measurement of rock pressure岩石压力迹象: rock pressure indications岩石压力理论: rock pressure theory等压载: isoballast加压载: ballasting铅压载: lead ballast砂压载: sand ballast沙压载: sand ballast水压载: water ballast; water-ballast无压载: unballast