矮人: dwarf; short person homuncul ...谜: riddle古人之谜: the mystery of the ancient ones矮人之星: dwarf star红矮人之矿: the red dwarf mines矮人之门战役: dwarfgate war矮人之怒投掷器: dwarf grudge thrower小矮人之地下密宝: brave dwarves-back for treasures之谜: dvd9; secretheroesii; sfc矮人: 1.(身材短小的人) dwarf; short person [fellow]2.(炼金术士在蒸馏瓶中人工制造的小人) homunculus3.[医学] dwarfism; nanism; nanus砂之谜: sous le sable矮人,侏儒: pygmy矮人的: pygmean; pygmy矮人精: the gnome矮人区: deeprun tram - stormwind istance矮人陀: bodinier velvetplant root矮人语: khuzdul矮人族: dwarven; dwarves盾矮人: shield dwarves灰矮人: duergar (dungeons & dragons)火矮人: azer金矮人: gold dwarves小矮人: little man野矮人: wild dwarves古力矮人(溪谷矮人): the gully dwarves