短: short; brief源: source; fountainhead距: distance中子: neutron长源距中子测井: lsn多源距中子测井: multispaced neutron logging双源距中子测井: dsn; dual spaced neutron log短源距: ss双源距中子寿命测井: dual spacing lifetime logging短源距探测器: short spaced detector源距: source-detector separation; t-r spacing双源距补偿中子测井: cdn; compensated dual neutron log双源距热中子衰减时间测井: dual spaced thermal decay time log焦源距: focus source distance零源距: critical detector-source spacing震源距: distance from epicenter; focal distance; hypocentral distance测距中误差: mean square error of distance measurement档距中间: mid span均距中心: center of mean distance跨距中点: centre of span; mid span; midspan; span centre跨距中心: centre of span视距中星仪: tachymeter-tra it; tachymeter-transit准距中心: centre of anallatism组距中点: class index; class mark组距中值: class mid value; class midvaluee