

发音:   用"短期库券"造句
  • treasury note
  • 短期:    short-term; short period
  • 库券:    national treasury bond
  • 定期库券:    time warrant
  • 应付定期库券:    time warrant payable
  • 短期国库券:    exchequer bill; kurzfristige staatsobligation; sb short bill; short term treasury bond; short-term treasury bill; short-term treasury bond; treasury bill (t. bill/bill); treasury bills(t-bills)


        短期:    short-term; short period
        库券:    national treasury bond
        定期库券:    time warrant
        应付定期库券:    time warrant payable
        短期国库券:    exchequer bill; kurzfristige staatsobligation; sb short bill; short term treasury bond; short-term treasury bill; short-term treasury bond; treasury bill (t. bill/bill); treasury bills(t-bills)
        国库券;短期国库券:    treasury bill
        短期国库券;短期汇票:    sb short bill
        国库券, 财政短期证券:    treasury bills
        优先使用的短期国库券政策:    bill preferable policy
        短期:    short-term; short period 在短期内 in a short time; in a brief space of time; 短期计划 a short-term planning; 作短期打算 take short views; 从短期看 on a short view; 短期保险 short---term insurance; 短期拆借 callable [call] loan; 短期持票人 holder in due course; 短期贷款 short-term loan; 短期放款市场 call market; 短期负债 current [short-term] liabilities; 短期公债 short-term public loan; 短期国库券 short-term treasury bond;treasury bills; 短期合伙 joint adventure; 短期汇率 short rate; 短期汇票 short bill; 短期计划 short-term plan; 短期教育 short-cycle education; 短期借款 short-term borrowing; short loan; 短期金融市场 short-term money market; 短期轮训 short-term training in rotation; 短期轮作 short rotation; 短期聘书 sessional appointment; 短期市场 short-term market; 短期趋势 short swings; 短期失业 frictional unemployment; 短期天气预报 short-range weather forecast; 短期通知书 advice of shortage; 短期投资 current [temporary; short-term] investment; 短期效应 short-term effect; 短期信贷[用] short-term credit; 短期行为 short-term action; 短期学习生 [教育学] short-term student; 短期训练班 short course; class of brief training; 短期预测[预报] short-term forecast; 短期债券 short-term bond; 短期债权 short-term claims; 短期债务 quick liabilities; floating [unfunded; short-term] debt; 短期政府债务 unfunded debts; 短期政府证券 short-term government securities; 短期职业训练班 in-and-outer class; 短期资本流动 short-term capital movement; 短期资本市场 money market; 短期租约 short-term tenancy
        c运行期库:    gnu c library
        长期库存:    dead storage
        长期库容:    long-term storage
        即期库存:    current period inventory
        预期库存:    anticipation inventory; expected inventory
        周期库存:    cycle stock
        国库券:    treasury bill; treasury note; treasury bond; treasury stock 发行国库券 issue treasury bonds; 国库券价格 treasury bill rate
        金库券:    gold certificate
        不含前期库存:    sales/output ratio
        有限期库存品:    running stock
        运行期库程序:    runtime library routine
        长期国库券:    buono del tesoro poliennale; exchequer bond; long-term treasury bond; treasury bond
        发行国库券:    issue treasury bonds
        购买国库券:    purchase of treasury stock
        国库券 (美国):    treasury security


  1. "短期均衡"英文
  2. "短期看来"英文
  3. "短期可变卖证券"英文
  4. "短期可靠性"英文
  5. "短期课程"英文
  6. "短期快衰落"英文
  7. "短期快速投机买卖, 赚取价格波动的差异"英文
  8. "短期困难户"英文
  9. "短期利率"英文
  10. "短期利息"英文


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