欺骗或瞒哄: t trick or deceive用花言巧语瞒哄某人: deceive a person with fair words瞒汇漏税: lauder瞒过: outsmart瞒混者: dodger瞒城: man cheng瞒骗: bluff瞒产私分: share out in private the harvests they concealed; shareoutinprivatetheharveststheyconcealed瞒骗的: dishonest瞒产: give a false report of the out put lie about the grain output; give a false report of the out put; lie about the grain output瞒上不瞒下: deceive only the superiors and not the subordinates瞒藏: weilumbi
瞒哄的法语:动 leurrer;séduire;enjôler;tromper;duper;donner le change à qn;en imposer à qn瞒哄的日语:だます.ごまかす.ちょろまかす. 瞒哄顾客/顧客をごまかす.瞒哄的韩语:[동사] 속이다. 这件事已瞒哄不了了; 이 일은 이미 속일 수가 없게 되었다 =[欺骗] [瞒骗]瞒哄的俄语:[mánhǒng] провести; обмануть; водить за нос瞒哄什么意思:mánhǒng 欺骗;哄骗:你这话只能~小孩儿。