眼: eye的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...血管: blood vessel; vascellum; ves ...微细的血管: very small blood vessels周转的血管: peripheral blood vessels悸动的血管瘤: a pulsatile vassular tumor皮肤的血管球: cutaneous glomus保存的血管移植物: preserved vascular graft心脏的血管造影: angiography of heart牙周膜中的血管: blood vessels in periodontal membrane涤纶编织的血管移植物: woven dacron vascular graft服硝酸甘油后的血管舒张: nid回忆自我的血管里渗出: memories seefrom my veins回忆自我的血管渗出: memories seefrom my veins急性起病的血管性痴呆: acute onset vascular dementia可复制的血管造影片: reproducible angiogram内皮衍生的血管活性因子: endothelium-derived vasoactive factor未分类的血管舒张剂: unclassified vasodilating agent血浆的血管紧张素酶活性: plasma angiotensinase activity眼的: ocular; ophthalmic optic; opticalvhl基因(一种多发部位的血管母细胞瘤基因: vhl gene; von hippel-lindau disease gene但在你的血管里仍留有我的痕迹: but there's still traces of me in your veins; there's still traces of me in your veins混合性皮层和皮层下的血管性痴呆: mixed cortical and subcortical vascular dementia经皮插入导管用的血管扩张器: ve eldilatorforpercutaneouscatheterization; vessel dilator for percutaneous catheterization他的血管里沸腾着英雄的热血: in his veins dances the blood of hero