- 眼前: before one's eyes
- 欢: joyous; merry; jubilant
- 眼前: 1.(跟前) before one's eyes 他眼前是一片欢腾的人海。 before his eyes was a sea of jubilant people.2.(目前) at the moment; at present; now 眼前之欢 the pleasure of moment; 胜利就在眼前。 victory is at hand. 照眼前这个情况, 我还不能接纳他。 i can hardly receive him in the present case. 不能只顾眼前, 不管将来。 one must not think only of the present and neglect the future
- 爱之欢: pleasure of love
- 前之滨: maenohama