

  • truth and the traveler


        真理:    truth
        :    mix; blend
        旅人:    traveller
        真理和旅行者:    truth and the traveller
        真理和玫瑰:    truth and roses have thorns about them
        真理和明镜报:    truth & mirror; truth mirrorr
        真理和玫瑰,身上都刺。:    truth and roses have thorns about them.〖hotline
        真理和谬误的斗争:    the struggle between truth and falsehood
        匈牙利真理和生命党:    hungarian truth and life party; miep
        真理:    truth 绝对真理 absolute truth; 客观真理 objective truth; 相对真理 relative truth; 普遍真理 universal truth; 抽象真理 abstract truth; 永恒的真理 constant [eternal; everlasting] truth; 科学真理 scientific truth; 坚持真理, 修正错误 uphold the truth and correct mistakes; 探求真理 seek after truth; 真理的光辉 the light of truth; 真理面前, 人人平等。 everyone is equal before the truth. 讲真理, 不讲面子。 keep to the truth and not spare the sensibilities of those who are criticized. 真理越辩越明, 真理不怕辩论。 truth does not fear contention. the more the truth is debated, the clearer it becomes
        那是关于爱、真理和你对我的意义:    about love and the truth and what you mean to me
        蜂旅人:    o melissokomos; the bee keeper
        恋旅人:    wristcutters: a love story
        旅人服:    wayfarer's clothes
        旅人鸽:    passenger pigeon
        旅人蕉:    ravenalamadagascariensis; travelerstree; traveller’s-tree
        梦旅人:    picnic
        水和旅:    lesson water and the traveller
        吹牛的旅人:    the boasting 7raveler
        大伴旅人:    ōtomo no tabito
        海边的旅人:    the seaside travelers
        旅人的家:    home on the way
        旅人的香水:    caravan musk
        旅人蕉科:    strelitziaceae; streliziaceae
        旅人教堂:    wayfarers chapel


  1. "真理电台"英文
  2. "真理饭店"英文
  3. "真理福音"英文
  4. "真理告诉我拍我的最好"英文
  5. "真理谷"英文
  6. "真理和旅行者"英文
  7. "真理和玫瑰"英文
  8. "真理和玫瑰,身上都刺。"英文
  9. "真理和明镜报"英文
  10. "真理和谬误的斗争"英文


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