- true love relaxaion
- 真心: wholehearted; heartfelt; sin ...
- 松弛: limp; flabby; slack; loose
- 真心: wholehearted; heartfelt; sincere; true intention; sincerity 真心话 sincere words; 真心拥护 give wholehearted support to; 真心悔改 sincerely repent and earnestly reform oneself; 真心行善 cast [throw] one's bread upon the water(s)
- 松弛: 1.(松; 不紧张) limp; flabby; slack; loose 松弛一下肌肉 relax the muscles; 肌肉松弛 flabby [flaccid] muscles; 松弛地垂下 hang down loosely; 松弛的绳子 a slack rope2.(执行得不严格) lax 纪律松弛 be under lax discipline
- 心松解术 心松离术: cardiolysis