真实: true; real; authentic样本: sample book; specimen; advan ...真实样品: authentic sample; authenticsample实样: full pattern基准试料,基准菌种,真实样品: authentic strain实样模: natural pattern样本: sample book; specimen; advanced copy; sample; muster; scantling; instance; statistics 字体样本 type specimen book 真实: true; real; authentic 不符合真实情况 at variance with the reality; 真实的材料 authentic data; 真实的纪录 authentic records; 真实信徒 true disciple; 真实的感情 true feelings; real sentiments; 证明某人的话是真实的 prove the truthfulness of sb.'s statement; 真实感 sense of reality; 真实供词 [法律] true statement实样模型: block pattern; natural scale model实样试验: full scale test实样造模: mold from a casting; molding from a casting聚苯乙烯冒口实样: polystyrene riser褶位未按照实样做: darts placement is not follow sample exactly(样本)总体: universe采集…样本: take samples of抽样,样本: sample大样本: large sample单样本: oone-sample截样本: truncated sample例子;样本: example凭样本: on sample数样本: numerical example水样本: water sample无样本: no specimen小样本: small sample