

发音:   用"真假难辨"造句
  • lesson who's who
  • 真假:    true and false; genuine and ...
  • :    catastrophe; calamity; disas ...
  • :    distinguish; discriminate; d ...
  • 难辨:    undistinguishable; undistinguishably
  • 真假:    true and false; genuine and sham 辨别真假 tell the truth from the false; 真真假假 the true mingled with the false; a mixture of truth and falsehood


  1. Nowadays it ' s quite difficult to tell an authentic news report from an invented one ,
  2. A hit chinese tv drama about a funny story between a manchurian emporor and an ordinary people who looks like him . .


        真假:    true and false; genuine and ...
        :    catastrophe; calamity; disas ...
        :    distinguish; discriminate; d ...
        难辨:    undistinguishable; undistinguishably
        真假:    true and false; genuine and sham 辨别真假 tell the truth from the false; 真真假假 the true mingled with the false; a mixture of truth and falsehood
        难辨的:    awkward; cramped
        真假题:    true / false
        敌友难辨:    spider-man - allie ou ennemi; spider-man - amici o nemici; spider-man - amigo o enemigo; spider-man - freund oder feind; spider-man - friend or foe
        难辨别的:    undistinguishable
        难辨别地:    undistinguishably
        难辨男女的:    ambisextrous
        难辨认的:    illegible; indecipherable
        难辨是非:    difficult to discriminate between right and wrong
        难辨性别的:    cryptosexual
        难辨真伪:    hard to distinguish between the true and the false
        赝真难辨:    hard to distinguish the false from the true
        难辨认的信号:    unreadable signal
        难辨芽胞梭菌:    clostridium difficile
        辨别真假:    tell the truth from the false
        不论真假:    for what it is worth
        颠倒真假:    juggle the true and false
        分辨真假:    distinguish truth from falsehood
        寒热真假:    true-false of cold and heat
        鉴别真假:    distinguish the true from the false; winnow truth from falsehood
        看不出真假:    cannot tell whether it is genuine or fake



  1. "真假可疑"英文
  2. "真假可疑的"英文
  3. "真假老板"英文
  4. "真假李逵"英文
  5. "真假莫辨"英文
  6. "真假欧阳德"英文
  7. "真假千金"英文
  8. "真假俏郎君"英文
  9. "真假擎天柱"英文
  10. "真假情人"英文


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