

  • identify v. see clearly; prove sth. true


        看清:    see clearly realize
        :    clear; neat
        鉴定:    appraisal
        看清楚:    see straight
        理解,看清楚:    make out
        我可以看清楚:    i can see clearly now
        理解,看出,看清楚,填写,开:    make out
        理解,看清楚,认出,填写,开列:    make out
        现在我看清楚了:    i can see clearly now
        看清楚,目睹(经过一定时间细看终于看清):    discern
        看清:    1.(看清楚) see clearly2.(认识清楚) realize 看清形势 realize the situation; 她看清了问题的性质。 she realized the nature of the problem
        看清楚我的大变身,从瘪三变成抢手货:    look at me go from zero to hero
        清楚:    1.(容易让人了解、辨认) clear; distinct 把工作交代清楚 explain one's job clearly on handing it over; 把事情谈清楚 talk the matter over; 字迹清楚 written in a clear hand; 发音清楚 a clear pronunciation; 一清二楚 (as) clear as daylight; 来历清楚 have a clear record; 清楚的笔迹 a distinct writing; 我讲清楚了没有? have i made myself clear?2.(不糊涂) clear; lucid 头脑清楚 a clear head [mind]; 头脑清楚的人 a lucid thinker3.(了解) be clear about; understand 你恐怕不清楚这个问题吧。 perhaps you don't understand this question
        看清,理解:    make out
        鉴定:    1.(评语) appraisal (of a person's strong and weak points) 毕业鉴定 graduation appraisal2.(评定) appraise; identify; authenticate; test; determine; evaluation; verification; arbitration; assay; probation 工作鉴定 job evaluation; 鉴定产品质量 appraise the quality of a product; 鉴定文物年代 determine the date of a cultural relic; 指纹鉴定 fingerpoint identification; 作物鉴定 crop survey; 优质矿泉水已通过国家级鉴定。 the high quality mineral water has passed the state-level test.; 鉴定结论 expert conclusion; 鉴定器 assessor; 鉴定钱币 shroff; 鉴定人 identifier; surveyor; appraiser; 鉴定书 expertise report; testimonial; 鉴定资料 materials of identification
        查看清单:    inventory
        东西没看清:    never buy a pig in a poke
        看清;理解;断定:    make out
        看清形势:    make a correct appraisal of the situation
        使某人看清:    open one's eyes to; open sb.'s eyes to
        我不要看清:    won't look, oh, no i'm not in love
        我已看清:    i found out that
        搞清楚,想清楚:    figure out
        看清你的一生:    know well yourself
        变清楚:    appear


  1. "看清"英文
  2. "看清,理解"英文
  3. "看清;理解;断定"英文
  4. "看清楚"英文
  5. "看清楚,目睹(经过一定时间细看终于看清)"英文
  6. "看清楚我的大变身,从瘪三变成抢手货"英文
  7. "看清某人的性格"英文
  8. "看清某事物的真相"英文
  9. "看清你的一生"英文
  10. "看清事物的真相"英文


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