看中: take a fancy to; settle on; ...某人: a certain person打中某人: deal sb/sth a blow = deal get a blow/punch in succeed in hitting sb中某人毒计: land in sb.'s trap正中某人下怀: play into someone's hand击中某人的腿或头: shoot sb. in the leg/head看中: take a fancy to; settle on; feel satisfied with; prefer 他看中了这位姑娘。 he took a fancy to the girl. 保罗看中了这条领带, 就买下了。 the tie happened to strike paul's fancy, so he bought it触及某人的弱点, 打中某人的痛处: touch sb on a tender spot老外看中国: china, the way laowai see it一眼看中: become infatuated with sb. at first sight英语中某些以: ence集中某一点攻击: an intensive attack社会中某群体的: of a grouor groups within a community etc他看中了这位姑娘: he took a fancy to the girl从绘画理论看中西绘画: viewing chinese and western painting from painting theory对照组中某事件的发生率: control event rate cer看看中国艺术品会很不错: it would be good to visit shanghai我想看看中国艺术品: a it would be good to see some chinese art. a a细胞中某些无机离子: certain inorganic ions in cells元件中某个部分未使用: unused sub-n component保罗看中了这条领带就买下了: the tie happened to strike paul's fancy so he bought it从汉英词汇的比较看中西方的文化差异: seeking cultural difference from comparison of chinese and english vocabulary从委婉语的应用看中英社会文化价值: to compare chinese and english social cultural value from the use of euphemism从五个常用句式看中美文化差异: studying cultural differences in chinese and american from five sentences把某人: count sb in (out)