看: see; look at; watch不: a block of wood上: upper; up; upward看不上眼: spurn; disdain; hold in contempt比不上: be not a patch on; can't compare with不上班: off duty不上道: don’t know how to play the game不上课: skithe class不上算: bad bargain; not profitable 她不久便发现自己做了一笔不上算的生意。 she soon found that she had made a bad bargain称不上: little of吃不上: 1.(没有饭吃) be unable to get sth. to eat2.(赶不上吃饭) miss a meal 快走吧, 再晚了就吃不上饭了。 hurry up, or we'll be too late to get anything to eat赶不上: can't catch up with; can't keep up with跟不上: unable to keep pace with; drag供不上: run outbe in short supply providefor够不上: be far from数不上: not important enough; not qualified说不上: 1.(不能具体地说出来) cannot say; cannot tell 他也说不上问题在哪儿。 he can't put his finger on what is wrong. 我说不上他来不来。 i can't say whether he is coming or not.2.(无须提到或不值得提) not worth mentioning 这些材料说不上有什么史料价值。 these materials can't be said to have much value as historical records算不上: it ain't too much谈不上: out of the question; far from being 他谈不上是个优等生。 he is far from being an excellent student看不出: unable to perceive [detect]: 看不出真假 cannot tell whether it is genuine or fake; 我看不出让孩子们看这些书有什么害处。 i saw no harm in letting the children read these books看不到: n.e.i. = non est inventus; out of sight看不惯: cannot bear the sight of; detest; disdain; frown upon; hate to see 我看不惯这些旧习惯。 i hate to see these old customs. 这种恶劣作风一向叫人看不惯。 people always hold this abominable behaviour in detestation看不见: blind to; blindness; disappearance; invisibility; invisible; lose sight of; out of sight; unseen看不起: look down upon [on]; scorn; despise; disdain; hold in contempt 懒汉总叫人看不起。 the lazybones are always held in contempt. 我希望你不要看不起这种工作。 i wish you wouldn't look down on this kind of work看不清: invisibility; vague