Men with square jaws and well - defined brow ridges are seen as good short - term partners , while those with more feminine traits such as a rounder face and fuller lips are perceived as better long - term mates 在女人眼中,宽下巴和眉棱骨分明的男性属于短期佳伴,而拥有女性特征长相的男性,如圆脸、嘴唇饱满的男性作为长期伴侣则会更好。
You might get them on the inside of your lips , the insides of your cheeks , the base of your gums or under your tongue . it may heal spontaneously . when it appears , it is always accompanied by headache , a superfluous amount of catamenia , heart - throb and uneasiness at night 愈后无痕迹,伴溃疡处疼痛难忍及头部疼痛,并头痛牵拉眉棱骨疼痛,月经量增多,神疲乏力,心悸夜寝不安等症状,系由于素来体弱血虚,加之月经周期血虚更甚,血不能濡养脑部产生头痛。
骨: bone眉棱骨痛: pain in the supra-orbital bone棱骨: edge bone; goniale眉棱: supraorbitalnidge分眉棱: separate supra-orbital眉嵴,眉棱: crista superciliaris棱骨偏移角: drift inclination of edge bone眉炼: glabellar sore眉来眼去: exchange love glances with sb.; exchange glances of silent understanding; flirting glances;flirt with each other; make eyes at each other; exchange amorous glances; cast sheep's eyes at sb.; leer at sb.; wink at each other 二人眉来眼去, 以目传情。 they exchanged amorous glances and clearly made known their passions眉毛: eyebrow; brow◇眉毛脱落 madema; madarosis; madaroma; anaphalantiasis眉开眼笑: look cheerful; a beaming countenance; be all smiles; beam with delight; beam with joy; face melting in smiles; feel happy and smile; grin all over; grin from ear to ear; one's eyes kindled with joy; one's face melts in smiles.; one's shining eyes dance with joy; smile happily [from ear to ear]; very happy 他眉开眼笑, 精神焕发。 his eyebrows danced, his spirit soared眉毛supercilia{拉}: eyebrows眉开放性外伤不伴并发症: open wound of eyebrow without complication眉毛;滴水: eyebrow眉开放性外伤伴并发症: open wound of eyebrow with complication