相: looks; appearance适应: suit; adapt; get with it; fi ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...与船体线型相适应的碰垫: hull-fitting fender相适应: accordance; accordant; be on speaking terms; compatible; correspondence有与其业务活动相适应的从业人员: it has employees commensurate with its business operations有与其业务活动相适应的合法财产: it has lawful properties commensurate with its business operations and不相适应: be out of keeping with; disharmony between; ill-adapted to the need to develop; not develop in a way suited to互相适应: co-adaptation适应的: accommodative; adaptable; adapted; adaptive; appropriate; compatible; compliant适应的, 能适应的: adaptive同国力相适应: be compatible with national strength组织-结构相适应: organizational-environment fit光适应的, 明视适应的: photopic暗适应的: scotopic保守适应的: conservatively adapted不能适应的: immalleable; inadaptable/unadaptable; unadaptable不适应的: inadaptable; incommensurate; unaccommodated; unadaptable; unadapted; unconformable共适应的: coadapted光适应的: light adapted; photopic可适应的: adaptable; adaptative; labile明视适应的: photopic能适应的: adaptable; adaptive; malleable前适应的: preadapted适应的技术: appropriate technology