The meeting started with the speech by mr . koki aizawa , the representative of rwppi 首先,相泽代表进行了开幕致辞。
Representative of rwppi 相泽宏纪代表
Mr . aizawa , representative 相泽代表
After this speech , he introduced mr . masami morishita as the new rwppi secretary general to continue all activities as before . representative mr . aizawa 在发言的最后,相泽代表对从本次会议起担任事务局长的森下先生作了介绍。
He ended the speech emphasizing to always bear in mind to promote worldwide by keeping the spirit of being in the users position , to be help make it beneficial for them 相泽宏纪代表接着,新成员索尼nec optical株式会社的布施刚之先生作了致辞。