

发音:   用"相变制冷"造句
  • freezing by change of state
  • :    looks; appearance
  • :    cold
  • 相变:    change of phase; facies change; phase change; phase tra ition; phase transformation; phase transition; phasechange; phasetransformation; transformation
  • 制冷:    [机械工程] refrigeration 电气制冷 electric refrigeration; 机械制冷 mechanical refrigeration; 不含酒精的制冷饮料 cold soft drinks; 制冷剂 cold-producing medium; refrigerant; coolant; 制冷量 refrigerating output; 制冷器 refrigerator; 制冷系统 refrigerating system; 制冷 (设备)压气机 refrigeration compressor; 制冷装置 refrigerating plant
  • 紧急应变制度:    emergency response system


        :    looks; appearance
        :    cold
        相变:    change of phase; facies change; phase change; phase tra ition; phase transformation; phase transition; phasechange; phasetransformation; transformation
        制冷:    [机械工程] refrigeration 电气制冷 electric refrigeration; 机械制冷 mechanical refrigeration; 不含酒精的制冷饮料 cold soft drinks; 制冷剂 cold-producing medium; refrigerant; coolant; 制冷量 refrigerating output; 制冷器 refrigerator; 制冷系统 refrigerating system; 制冷 (设备)压气机 refrigeration compressor; 制冷装置 refrigerating plant
        紧急应变制度:    emergency response system
        可变制造费用:    variable manufacturing overhead expenses
        改变制度或地位:    change over change from one system or position to another
        γ相变:    gamma transformation
        反相变:    umklapp transformation; umklaptransformation
        相变点:    arrest; eutectic structure; transformation point; transformation temperature
        相变范:    phase transformation range
        相变化:    phase change; phase transformation; phase transistion; phase transition; phasechange
        相变量:    phase variable
        相变区:    critical temperature ranges; phase change section; phase change zone
        相变热:    heat of phase change; heat of phase transformation; heat of transformation
        相变性:    interconvertibility
        相变盐:    phase changing salt
        相变异:    o-d variation; phase polymorphism; phase variation
        相变焓:    enthalpy of phase change
        相变熵:    phase change entropy
        氨制冷:    ammonia refrigeration
        制冷;冷冻:    refrigerate
        制冷的:    cryogenic; freezing; frigorific; refrigerant; refrigerating; refrigerative
        制冷吨:    refrigeration ton; ton of refrigeration
        制冷法:    refrigeration


  1. "相变诱起塑性"英文
  2. "相变增韧"英文
  3. "相变增韧陶瓷"英文
  4. "相变增韧氧化锆"英文
  5. "相变致冷"英文
  6. "相变滞后"英文
  7. "相变转化"英文
  8. "相变转换"英文
  9. "相变状态变化"英文
  10. "相变焓"英文


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