- freezing by change of state
- 相: looks; appearance
- 冷: cold
- 相变: change of phase; facies change; phase change; phase tra ition; phase transformation; phase transition; phasechange; phasetransformation; transformation
- 制冷: [机械工程] refrigeration 电气制冷 electric refrigeration; 机械制冷 mechanical refrigeration; 不含酒精的制冷饮料 cold soft drinks; 制冷剂 cold-producing medium; refrigerant; coolant; 制冷量 refrigerating output; 制冷器 refrigerator; 制冷系统 refrigerating system; 制冷 (设备)压气机 refrigeration compressor; 制冷装置 refrigerating plant
- 紧急应变制度: emergency response system