Pulsed doppler radar ( pd radar ) is a kind of advanced radar which using coherent processing 脉冲多普勒雷达是一种先进的全相参体制雷达。
In this paper , the application of coherent phase - coded pulse train ( cpcpt ) solves range - doppler coupling well 应用相参频率编码脉冲串信号( cpcpt )较好地解决了距离-多普勒耦合问题。
And then , associated with the subject ' s requirement and the realistic conditions , the system proposal is confirmed 然后根据现实条件和课题需要确定了ka波段相参收发前端的系统方案。
Based on the method , exploiting the coherent property of pulse train , the accurate estimation of signals is obtained 以该算法为基础,结合相关谱和脉间相参信息,得到正弦脉冲信号频率的精确估计。
To implement effective jamming on the modem coherent radar , this paper proposes one smart noise jamming realization scheme based on convolution modulation 摘要为了对现代新体制相参雷达实施有效的干扰,提出了一种基于卷积调制的灵巧噪声干扰技术实现方案。