The correlogram can give valuable information . 相关图能够提供有价值的信息。
Activity relationship diagram 作出活动相关图
Nasa engineers are looking at photos and video of a torn solar panel from the international space station 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局的工程师们正研究国际空间站被卸太阳能电池板相关图象和视频资料。
Submitted film must comply with the publicized requirement . the advertising client shall assume all responsibilities for the delay caused by size discrepancies 请按本刊公布的技术规格提供菲林及相关图文文件,因所提供内容不符合本刊技术规格而造成的延迟,本刊将不承担责任。
Content - based image retrieval ( cbir ) is the set of techniques to address the problem of retrieving relevant images from an image database based on automatically derived image features 基于内容的图象检索技术的研究正是为了解决利用自动获取的图象特征,从图象数据库中检索出相关图象的问题。