相依: depend on each other; be int ...随机事件: random event相依随机变量: dependent stochastic variable随机事件: chance event; random events; random happening; random occurrence; randomevent独立随机事件: independent random event随机事件模拟: simulated of random event随机相依事件: stochastically dependent event随机事件的出现: occurrence of random events随机事件的模拟: simulation of random events飞机事件: aeroplane accident危机事件: critical incident撞机事件: air/plane collision incident坠机事件: accidents and incidents in aviation相依事件: dependent event随机相依: random dependence; stochastic dependence淀号劫机事件: japan airlines flight 351相关隋机事件: dependent random event中美撞机事件: hainan island incident空中劫持飞机事件: aircraft piracy联机事件系统支持: on-line event system aid中美南海撞机事件: hainan island incident联邦计算机事件反应能力: fedcirc federal computer incident response capability随机独立事件: stochastically independent event相依: depend on each other; be interdependent; correlative with 唇齿相依 be as close as lips and teeth; be closely related and mutually dependent; 相依性 dependence依随行为: compliance behavior