A study on phase regulation of traffic signal control based on petri nets 网技术的交通信号相位调节研究
Automatic phase regulation 自动相位调节
It helps to enhance the reliability of the system and reduce the maintenance cost . the timer interface module generates interrupt request every 25us , which is fine enough comparing with 1 oous and used as one - step in adjusting commutation periods 本系统在软件设计时,定时器中断时间由100us缩短到25us ,一个定时器中断时间为相位调节中的一步,这样就提高了相位调节精度。
Vector modulators have been used in this paper to vary the phase and amplitude of signals in the in - band spurious cancellation loop of feed - forward power amplifiers ( ffpa ) . in the two - tone test , 3 . 5ghz ffpa developed in this paper shows more than 35db improvement in the third - order inter - modulation ( im3 ) , offers approximately - 60dbc im3 output , achieves the expected goal , and meets the communication requirement 本文研制的3 . 5ghz前馈放大器采用了矢量调制器来实现前馈环路的幅度和相位调节,在双音测试结果中,三阶交调im3的改善超过了35db ,前馈系统输出im3抑制近- 60dbc ,达到了预期指标,满足了通信需要。