The potential energy and the force between the charge of original and image 源像电荷之间相互作用能与作用力
The radiation field can be completely squeezed via choosing the parameters of the system appropriately 选择合适的参数,二项式态光场与v -型三能级原子相互作用能产生完全压缩光。
Body concentration , interaction energy between segments , adsorption energy of surface , and macromolecule chain length were used to affect the adsorption behavior of macromolecules 改变链节间相互作用能相当于研究不同高分子的吸附,而界面吸附能的变化,则相当于固体表面性质的改变。
The vitamins , minerals and other nutrients in fruits work together to protect us from many chronic diseases such as diabetes , hypertension , cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers 水果中的维他命、矿物质及其他养份的相互作用能减低患上多种慢性疾病的机会,如糖尿病、高血压、心血管病及某些癌症。
The vitamins , minerals and other nutrients in vegetables work together to strengthen our immune system and protect us from chronic diseases such as diabetes , hypertension and cardiovascular diseases 蔬菜中的维他命、矿物质与其他养份的相互作用能强化身体的免疫系统,及减少患上糖尿病、高血压和心血管病等慢性病的风险。