直肠癌: carcinoma of the rectum直肠: rectum; tewel; intestinum; a ...全: complete系: system; series膜: membrane切除: excision; resection; absciss ...术: art; skill; technique直肠癌的全系膜切除术: tme直肠全部切除术: total proctectomy直肠粘膜切除术: excision of rectal mucosa经腹会阴直肠癌切除术: miles operation; milesoperation直肠多余粘膜切除术: excision of redundant mucosa of rectum直肠切除术: proctectomy; rectectomy; resection of rectum直肠癌: cacinoma of rectum; cancer of rectum; carcinoma of rectum; carcinoma of the rectum; colorectal cancer; rectal carcinoma; rectum cancer肠系膜切除术: mesenterectomy; resection of mesentery直肠后切除术: posterior resection of rectum直肠内切除术: endorectal resection直肠瘘切除术: excision of rectal fistula; fistulectomy of rectum直肠子宫陷凹子宫内膜切除术: endometrectomy of cul-de-sac大肠直肠癌: colorectal cancer结肠直肠癌: colorectal cancer; colorectal carcinoma结直肠癌: crc colorectal cancer部分直肠切除术: partial proctectomy; partial resection of rectum腹会阴直肠切除术: abdominoperineal proctectomy结肠直肠切除术: coloproctectomy