盲人: blind person的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...雄心: great ambition; lofty aspira ...自负的雄心: overweening ambition vanity pride etc盲人的: of or for blind people盲人的莽撞: blindfold for the blind激发中国青年的雄心壮志: fuel the ambitions of chinese youths实现四化的雄心壮志: soaring aspirations to realize the four modernizations牵着盲人的手: lead the blind man by the hand雄心: great ambition; lofty aspiration 树立雄心 set up high aims and lofty aspirations; set one's sights high; 没有雄心 without ambition; 玛丽雄心很大, 竟想在两个月里学会用汉语流利地会话。 mary is ambitious enough to aspire to conversational fluency in chinese in two months盲人: blind person 经过训练的狗能担任盲人的向导。 a trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.; 盲人表 touch watch; 盲人地图 map for the blind person; 盲人图书馆 braille library; library for the blind; 盲人学校 school for the blind; 盲人院 blind asylum经过训练的狗能担任盲人的向导: a trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person人的方巾都是盲人,让他们告诉我们倾听: people in the hood are blind so they tell us to listen在一个充满盲人的证券市场中, 独眼者为王: in a stock market of the blind, the one-eyed man is king立雄心: hitch one's waggon to a star树雄心: have lofty ambitions雄心i: burningflame雄心ii: hearts of iron ii雄心,野心: ambition有雄心: ambitious二岁的雄鹿: pricket三岁的雄鹿: sorrel型的雄性: zw盲人表: touch watch盲人们: the blind