

  • watching people losing lives
  • 目睹:    see with one's own eyes; wit ...
  • 人们:    people; men; the public; hum ...
  • 接连:    on end; in a row; in success ...
  • 目睹:    see with one's own eyes; witness 耳闻目睹 what one sees and hears; 他亲眼目睹了那场战斗。 he witnessed the battle
  • 爱因斯坦的理论经过多年才被人们接受:    it took years for einstein's theory to gain acceptance


        目睹:    see with one's own eyes; wit ...
        人们:    people; men; the public; hum ...
        接连:    on end; in a row; in success ...
        目睹:    see with one's own eyes; witness 耳闻目睹 what one sees and hears; 他亲眼目睹了那场战斗。 he witnessed the battle
        爱因斯坦的理论经过多年才被人们接受:    it took years for einstein's theory to gain acceptance
        接连:    on end; in a row; in succession; running 接连两三天 for two or three days in succession; 接连三次大捷 three great victories in succession; 接连获得丰收 reap several bumper harvests running; 三个花展一个个地接连举行。 three flower shows succeeded one another in quick succession
        死去:    be called away; die; dying; exit; give up the spirit; meet with one's death
        没有人关心 人们是活着还是死去:    nobody cares if the people live or die
        连死带伤:    altogether ... were accounted for, wounded or dead
        目睹者:    beholder
        目击,目睹:    witness
        人们:    people; men; the public; humanity 建设边疆的人们 the people who are opening up the frontiers; 草原上的人们 people of the grasslands; 受折磨的人们 afflicted humanity; 受压迫的人们 oppressed humanity; 广大默默无闻、受苦受难的人们 the great mass of obscure, suffering humanity; 人们都在全神贯注地记笔记。 the audience is all concentrating with rapt attention on taking notes
        当我们接:    sometimes when we touch
        我们接触时:    sometimes when we touch
        不忍目睹的:    abject
        耳闻目睹:    what one sees and hears; fall under one's observation; what is heard and seen
        命案目睹记:    murder she said
        目睹葬礼:    witness to a funeral
        亲眼目睹:    see... with one's own [very] eyes; have seen... for oneself; (all this happened) in one's sight; see... oneself; these eyes have seen
        眼见目睹:    see with one's own eyes
        接连,继承:    succeed
        接连的:    arthrous; consecutive; successional; successive
        接连地:    one after another
        接连着:    successively
        离开, 死去:    slam off


  1. "目点"英文
  2. "目动增益控制"英文
  3. "目斗屿"英文
  4. "目读"英文
  5. "目睹"英文
  6. "目睹银行抢劫"英文
  7. "目睹葬礼"英文
  8. "目睹者"英文
  9. "目多"英文
  10. "目多伽"英文


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