目的: purpose; aim; goal; objectiv ...手段: means; medium; measure; meth ...体系: system; setup; hierarchy达到目的的手段: means to an end达成目的的手段,进身之阶: stepping stone接近的手段: avenue进入的手段: a means of ingress可鄙的手段: dirty tricks控制的手段: rein敏捷的手段: agility noun谋生的手段: a means of life人们的手段: the ways of men生活的手段: means of living income讼棍的手段: pettifoggery相应的手段: counter 2最后的手段: extremity; last-resort; ultima ratio段体: segment body目的和手段: development as freedom目的与手段: end and mean手段和目的: means and ends; theres不道德的手段: unethical means不正当的手段: sharp practice; sharpractice用强硬的手段: with a high hand最迅速的手段: the most expeditious means(达到目的)手段,战术: tactic