Forty - six women made the list , including the three granddaughters of oilman j . paul getty 其中包括石油大亨j保罗盖提的三位孙女。
Forty - six women made the list , including the three granddaughters of oilman j . paul getty 在这次的富豪榜上共有46位女性。其中包括石油大亨j ?保罗?盖提的三位孙女。
Mallgrave , harry francis , and eleftherios ikonomou . empathy , form and space : problems in german aesthetics , 1873 - 1893 . santa monica , ca : getty center for the history of art and the humanities , 1994 16哈里法兰西斯毛格瑞和艾里弗特里欧斯伊肯欧姆。 《移情、形式和空间德国美学的问题, 1873 - 1893 》 。圣摩尼卡,加利福尼亚州盖提艺术史和人文科学研究中心出版, 1994 。
By digussing the key exploration area of each structural unit , this paper pointed out : ( 1 ) look for the paleo - reservior foemed in late hercynian and second reservoir formed in himalyan periods in the west part of bachu arch ; ( 2 ) key exploration area in the east of bachu arch is middle - low cambrian self - generation and self - reservoir inside primary reservior . ( 3 ) the exploration on markit slope should focus on paleohigh formed during late caledonian , residual paleo - reservior ( middle - low cambrian primary inside reservoir , ordovician weathering crust oil / gas pool ) and subtle oil / gas trap formed in late period 分析讨论了每个构造单元的勘探重点:在巴楚隆起西段应以寻找加里东期和海西晚期形成古油藏和喜山期形成的次生油藏为重点;巴楚隆起东段应以中下寒武的自生自储的原生内幕油气藏为主要勘探目标;麦盖提斜坡应以伽里东中晚期形成的古隆起,海西晚期形成的,现未被完全破坏的残留古油藏(中下寒武原生内幕油气藏、奥陶系风化壳油藏)和以石炭二叠为烃源岩的晚期成藏的隐闭油气藏二者并重的方针。
In order to furtherly study the petroleum accumulation law , this paper , based on the tectonic evolution , started from main hydrocarbon generation periods of the main resource rock , analysed petroleum generation , migration , accumulation , adjustment and dynamic accumulation process . according to area structural characteristic , bachu - markit was divided into the three sub - structure unit , that is , east part of bachu arch , west part of bachu arch and markit slope and established accumulation model of each part 为了更深入的分析油气聚集规律,本论文从主力烃源岩的主生油期出发,避开细枝末节,以区域构造演化为线索,分析油气生成,运移,聚集,破坏调整,再次运聚成藏的动态过程。根据巴楚?麦盖提地区的区域构造特点,将该区分为三个次级构造单元,即巴楚隆起西段、巴楚隆起东段、麦盖提斜坡,分别建立了成藏模式。