The gaels were a military and oppressive aristocracy . 盖尔人是一个穷兵黩武,专横暴戾的贵族阶层。
The first wave were the gaels - came about 600 bc 第一次高潮是约公元前600年盖尔人的来临。
- it ' s like moonshine . - oh , so that ' s gaelic for " goats nut . -就像走私酒-哦,就像盖尔人所说的“山羊睾丸”
It ' s like moonshine . - oh , so that ' s gaelic for " goats nut . 就像走私酒-哦,就像盖尔人所说的“山羊睾丸”
The mountainous , sparsely - populated regions of scotland are quite different from the scottish lowlands in language and tradition , better preserving gaelic speech and customs 人烟稀少的苏格兰山地与东南部低地在语言和传统上都大为不同,这里更完整地保留了盖尔人的语言和风俗。