Court order granting guardianship if your application is made by your legal guardian (三)法庭颁布的监管令(倘由合法监护人作出申请)
A court order granting guardianship if the application is made by your legal guardian 法庭颁布的监管令(倘由你的合法监护人作出申请)
Court order granting guardianship if your application is submitted by your legal guardian (三)法庭颁布的监管令(倘由合法监护人作出申请)
Catering to this stream , some attempts have appeared in the system of juvenile justice , such as community service and supervision order 我国未成年人司法制度顺应这一潮流,进行了与我国有关的方针和政策相吻合的一系列如社会服务令、监管令等突破传统司法模式的制度探索。