益: benefit; profit; advantage早: morning收: put away; take in早收获: early harvest习惯于早起: habituate oneself to getting up early得益于: benefit from; profit from获益于: benefit from受益于: benefit from有益于: avail; be beneficial to; benefit; boot; profit过早收缩: anticipated systole; extrasystole; premature beat; premature systole; proiosystole早种早收: early sow early mow; early sow, early mow从 …… 受益, 得益于: benefit from大有益于: go a long [good] way利润,有益于: profit益于健康: salubrity益于健康的: salubrious有利于,有益于: be beneficial to有益于;受益: benefit有益于健康: healthgiving室性过早收缩: ventricular premature systoles心房过早收缩: atrial premature beat得益于某事物: benefit by/ from sth使你有益于人: make yourself necessary to someone有益于保养的: recreative有益于键康的: healthy