皮革: leather; hide用: 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...墨: China ink; ink cake; ink sti ...制革用墨: inkforleather皮革用乳膏: cream for leather皮革用油脂: grease for leather皮革用防水油: dubbing皮革用媒染剂: mordant for leather皮革: leather; hide◇皮革厂 tanyard; 皮革加工 leather-working; 皮革制品 leatherware用墨水: in ink革用小牛: kip calf; kip calves制革用油: oils for preparing leather in the course of manufacture鞣革用油: oil for ta ing leather; oil for tanning leather翻制用墨: copying ink复印机用墨: inkforphotocopiers记录用墨水: recording ink食品用墨水: ink新闻用墨水: news ink印刷用墨: printing inks用墨方法: ink technique用墨水描: ink over用墨水弄污: ink用墨水涂去: ink out用墨水写: ink用墨水写的: written in ink