皮肤: skin; baragnosis; derma; hid ...疙瘩: a swelling on the skin; pimp ...病: illness; sickness; disease; ...皮肤疙瘩病病毒: lumpy skin disease virus瘢痕疙瘩病: keloidosis皮肤瘢痕疙瘩: keloid scar of skin皮肤瘢痕疙瘩,皮肤蟹足肿: keloid scar of skin疙瘩: 1.(皮肤上突起的或肌肉上结成的硬块) a swelling on the skin; pimple; lump 腿上起了个疙瘩 have a swelling on one's leg2.(结成团或块状的东西) lump; knot 线结成疙瘩了。 the thread has got tangled3.(难解决的问题) a knot in one's heart; hang-up 解除思想疙瘩 dispel a burden from one's mind; 解开心上的疙瘩 get rid of one's hang-up4.量词mound; knoll; 疙瘩胶 setups疙瘩肠: pimply gut疙瘩绸: dou ion pongee; douppion pongee疙瘩的: knobbly疙瘩胶: setups疙瘩汤: dough drop and assorted vegetable soup; dough drosoup; dough slice in soup架疙瘩: passing knots over浆疙瘩: drag spot解疙瘩: solve a problem on sb.'s mind; get rid of a hang-up 他没能解开她心中的疙瘩。 he hadn't unravelled the knot in her heart老疙瘩: lao ge da面疙瘩: doughball泥疙瘩: clot起疙瘩: formation of agglomerates肉疙瘩: hyperplastic dermopathy生疙瘩: sheng ge da小疙瘩: goose pimples; gooseflesh肿块,疙瘩: lump皮肤: skin; baragnosis; derma; hide 柔嫩的皮肤 a soft skin; 婴儿细嫩的皮肤 the delicate skin of a baby; 皮肤出汗。 the skin excretes sweat.; 皮肤粗糙 pachulosis; pachylosis; 皮肤真菌 dermatophyte; 皮肤真菌病 dermatomycosis