皇: grand; magnificent科: a branch of academic or voca ...梵蒂冈教皇科学院: l'academie pontificale des science皇口岸: huanggang, shenzhen皇居: tokyo imperial palace皇览揆余初度兮: name of linjun. nature has endowed me many good qualities皇金稻田: the noblest way to die皇历: [旧时用语] (历书; 年历) almanac (也作黄历)皇家穹顶宫: royal pavilion皇粮: public grainfunds goods etc provided by the government; tuan ke, huang liang皇家斐济军事部队总部司令: commander of headquarters of the royal fiji military forces皇陵: imperial mausoleum皇家斐济军事部队总部: headquarters of the royal fiji military forces