- on the button
- 百发百中: shoot with unfailing accurac ...
- 切中要害: hit the mark; strike home; h ...
- 百发百中: fire at the target a hundred times without a single miss; a hundred shots, a hundred bull's eyes.; be a crack shot; drop ... with every shot; every blow [shot] tells.; every shot hits the target [mark].; hit one's mark every single time and never miss; hit the target at every shot; make every shot tell; never miss one's aim [quarry]; shoot with unfailing accuracy; the shots hit every time.: 他是咱班里的神枪手, 打起仗来真是百发百中。 he was a magical shooter in our squad and his every shot did execution in battle. 照他的话去做, 包你百用百灵, 百发百中。 do as he told you and you will find every attempt successful and you will make every shot tell
- 切中要害: hit the mark; strike home; hit the nail on the head 她的批评切中要害。 her criticism struck home
- 切中要害,切题: to the point; tothepoint