

发音:   "百分点"的汉语解释   用"百分点"造句


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  1. That would cut their average rates of growth by roughly four percentage points annually during the period adjustment .
  2. Were both 14 , but monday ' s rating dropped a point
    都是14 %但是周一降了一个百分点
  3. That estimate is four percent higher than last year
  4. In august output was 5 % higher than in july
  5. This was a drop of two percent on 2004 ’ s growth




        点,百分点:    point
        百分点收视成本:    cost per rating point
        下滑两个百分点:    slitwo points
        基点(一个百分点的百分之一):    basis point
        暂时性加征半个百分点:    temporary loading of 1/percentage point
        分点:    equinox; point of division
        点子一个基点等如一个百分点:    basis point
        百分:    1.per cent; percent 百分之六 6 per cent; 获百分之九的利息 get 9 per cent interest; 百分之一 centesimal; percentile2.100 marks 百分制 hundred-mark system (in grading test papers); 他考试得了百分。 he obtained 100 marks in his examination. 该科最高分数为百分。 the maximum number of marks for the subject is 100.3.centi- 百分度 centigrade; [数学] gon (grade); 百分标 centigrade scale; 百分标准误差 percentage standard deviation; 百分单位 centival; 百分度量制 centesimal measure; 百分法 percentage system; centesimal method of dividing into hundredths; 百分号 per cent (%); 百分刻度 centigrade system; 百分等级 percentile rank; 百分点 percentage point; 百分位(数) [统计学] percentile; centile; 百分温度计 centigrade thermometer; 百分制 hundred-mark system
        成分点:    composition point
        春分点:    first of aries point; first point of aries; march equinox; spring equinox; vehicle equinox point; vernal equinoctial point; vernal equinox; vernal point; vernalpoint
        二分点:    equatorial points; equinoctial point; equinoctil point; equinox
        分点差:    equation of equinoxes
        分点潮:    equinoctial tide
        分点的:    equinoctial
        内分点:    internal point of division
        平分点:    bisecting point; equinox
        秋分点:    autumn equinoctial point; autumnal equinoctial point; autumnal equinox point; first of libra point; first point of libra
        区分点:    diacritical point
        三分点:    middle third point
        四分点:    fourth
        外分点:    external point of division; externally dividing point
        真分点:    true equinox
        【数学】三分点集。:    ternary set
        【天文学】春分点。:    first point of aries
        百分递减曲线:    percentage decline curve
        百分电导率:    percentage conductivity



  1. "百分单位"英文
  2. "百分的"英文
  3. "百分等级"英文
  4. "百分地"英文
  5. "百分递减曲线"英文
  6. "百分点收视成本"英文
  7. "百分电导率"英文
  8. "百分电抗"英文
  9. "百分调幅"英文
  10. "百分定时器"英文


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