百: a surname元: first; primary丁百元: ding baiyuan百元钞票: century百元电脑: olpc xo-1百元计算机: olpc亏了二百元: have a deficit of 200 yuan美钞百元券: american bill认捐五百元: undertake to contribute 500 yuansubscribe 500 yuan accept as unavoidableresign oneself to赢利三百元: make a profit of 300 yuan百元电脑计划: one laptop per child亏折了五百元: have lost 500 yuan bend每百元若干分: cents per cent每百元若干份: cents percent百元笔记本电脑: olpc百元笔记本项目: olpc百元笔记本项目组: olpc费用以二百元为限: the expenses shall not exceed 200 yuan两张一百元的票面: two one hundred yuan notes四张一百元面额: four in hundred; give the money in fives/tens每百元若干分(保险费率): cents percent票面百元以下的债券: babybond她每月大约挣二百元钱: she earns about 200 yuan a month有五百元一月就够生活了: five hundred dollars a month is enough to live in这本词典连邮费共一百元: this dictionary is 100 yuan postage included