

发音:   用"白话小说"造句
  • novels in the vernacular chinese
  • 白话:    the written form of modern C ...
  • 小说:    novel; fiction; story
  • 白话:    1.(现代汉语的书面形式) the written form of modern chinese; vernacular2.(不能实现或没有根据的话) empty promise; groundless talk◇白话诗 free verse written in the vernacular; 白话文 writings in the vernacular; 白话小说 novels in the vernacular chinese
  • 白话的:    colloquial
  • 白话诗:    free verse written in the vernacular


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. On the images of the goddess of the empyrean in classical novels
  2. Scholars as novelists and its influence on the qing dynasty novels
  3. On the buddhists ' outlook in the vernacular novels of tang dynasty and five dynasties
  4. A discussion over research of the fusion of rhyme and ancient fiction in vernacular
  5. On the time - and - space concept of buddhism in the vernacular fiction in tang dynasty and five dynasties


        白话:    the written form of modern C ...
        小说:    novel; fiction; story
        白话:    1.(现代汉语的书面形式) the written form of modern chinese; vernacular2.(不能实现或没有根据的话) empty promise; groundless talk◇白话诗 free verse written in the vernacular; 白话文 writings in the vernacular; 白话小说 novels in the vernacular chinese
        白话的:    colloquial
        白话诗:    free verse written in the vernacular
        白话文:    modern chinese; vernacular chinese; writings in the vernacular,writings in colloquial language
        白话字:    peh-ōe-jī; peh-oe-ji; poj
        用白话:    colloquially
        小说:    novel; fiction; story 武侠小说 chivalrous story; 侦探小说 detective [mystery] novel; 淫秽小说 hot [naughty; sex; sexy] novel; 长篇小说 novel; 中篇小说 medium-length novel; novelette; 短篇小说 short story; 小说家 storywriter; novelist; writer of fiction
        百媚话小仓:    lemon
        讲话小室:    talk box
        说话小哑女:    habla mudita
        白话或文言:    a. pai-hua or literary chinese
        白话英语:    plain english
        黑话白话:    hei hua bai hua
        空口白话:    make empty promises; all talk and no deed; empty promise without substance; empty words; pay (mere) lip service; speak [talk] without acting [taking action]; with mere words of mouth
        空口说白话:    all talk and no cider
        文言与白话:    a. classical and modern chinese
        粤语白话文:    written cantonese
        白话资治通鉴:    txt
        专用电话小交换机:    private branch exchange
        古白话词语研究:    study of ancient chinese vernacular
        中英对照、白话译文:    taodeching - lao tze
        反小说:    antinovel; anti-roman
        非小说:    non-fiction


  1. "白话"英文
  2. "白话的"英文
  3. "白话或文言"英文
  4. "白话诗"英文
  5. "白话文"英文
  6. "白话英语"英文
  7. "白话资治通鉴"英文
  8. "白话字"英文
  9. "白怀硕"英文
  10. "白环"英文


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