

  • white-faced storm-petrel
  • 白脸:    white face,face painting in ...
  • 海燕:    yàn] petrel; sea swallow Ast ...
  • 白脸:    white face, face painting in beijing opera, etc., traditionally for the villain 唱白脸 play the villain; pretend to be harsh and severe; 白脸大黄蜂 whitefaced hornet; 白脸猴 mangabey; mangaby; 白脸牛羚 blesbok; blesbuck
  • 海燕:    yàn]1.(鸟纲海燕科动物) petrel; sea swallow2.(海星纲海燕科动物) asterina pectinifera
  • 斑脸海番鸭:    melanitta fusca; t x w 059 a velvet scoter; white-winged scoter


        白脸:    white face,face painting in ...
        海燕:    yàn] petrel; sea swallow Ast ...
        白脸:    white face, face painting in beijing opera, etc., traditionally for the villain 唱白脸 play the villain; pretend to be harsh and severe; 白脸大黄蜂 whitefaced hornet; 白脸猴 mangabey; mangaby; 白脸牛羚 blesbok; blesbuck
        海燕:    yàn]1.(鸟纲海燕科动物) petrel; sea swallow2.(海星纲海燕科动物) asterina pectinifera
        斑脸海番鸭:    melanitta fusca; t x w 059 a velvet scoter; white-winged scoter
        脸海番鸭:    melanitta fusca
        白脸猴:    mangaby
        白脸鹭:    white-faced heron
        唱白脸:    wear the white makeup of the stage villain; play the villain; pretend to be harsh and severe
        小白脸:    adonis; handsome young man
        曹海燕:    cao haiyan
        陈海燕:    chen haiyan
        大海燕:    garefowl
        代海燕:    hai-yan dai
        范海燕:    fan haiyan
        傅海燕:    hai-yan fu
        耿海燕:    qi yaqiong geng haiyan
        郭海燕:    hai-yan guo
        海燕蛤:    halobia
        海燕科:    asterinidae; hydrobatidae; storm-petrels
        海燕类:    petrel
        海燕式:    storm petrel hair style
        何海燕:    hai-yan he
        贺海燕:    hai-yan he
        胡海燕:    hai-yan hu



  1. "白连合"英文
  2. "白连胜"英文
  3. "白连纸"英文
  4. "白脸"英文
  5. "白脸大黄蜂"英文
  6. "白脸猴"英文
  7. "白脸猴属"英文
  8. "白脸蕉鸠"英文
  9. "白脸牛羚"英文
  10. "白脸僧面猴"英文


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