白相: play稷: millet the god of grains wor ...白相: [方言] (玩, 玩耍; 玩弄) play◇白相人 loafer (游手好闲, 为非作歹的人)白相人: loafer蛋白相片: albumen print蛋白相纸: albumen pager黑白相间: chequered with black and white; in black and white check; black alternating with white黑白相片: white photograph黑白相纸: black and white photographic paper红白相间: in red and white check微白相思树: acacia albida棕白相间的: brown and white二百五白相城隍庙: the silly in town god’s temple黑白相间的条纹: zebra stripes (or black and white stripes)黑白相片立体图: black-and-white stereograph肌动蛋白相关蛋白: actin-related protein网格蛋白相关蛋白: clathrin associated protein纤维蛋白相关抗原: fibrin related antigen; fra一只黄白相间的猫: a yellow and white cat蛋白相片,以蛋白相纸放成的作品: albumen printgtp酶活化蛋白相关蛋白: gap-associated protein gaptata 框结合蛋白相关因子: tbp-associated factortata框结合蛋白相关因子: tbp-associated factor黑白相间的人行横道线: zebra crossing肌动蛋白相关蛋白质: actinrelated proteinss