白: white灵: quick; clever; bright鸡: chicken片: a flat,thin piece; slice; fl ...白灵菇: king oyster; pleurotus nebrodensis白灵菇牛柳: stir-fried beef filet with mushrooms草菇鸡片汤: sliced chicken and mushroom soup; sliced chicken with mushrooms in soup冬菇鸡片: chicken with chinese black mushroom冬菇鸡片汤: sliced chicken & mushroom soup蘑菇鸡片: fried chicken shreds with mushrooms; mushroom and chicken slices鲜菇鸡片: fried fresh mushroom and chicken白灵菇扒鲍片: braised sliced abalone with mushrooms白灵菇扣裙边: braised mushroom with turtle rim; braised mushrooms with turtle rim白灵菇扣鸭掌: mushroom with duck webs; mushrooms with duck feet鲍片扣白灵菇: braised sliced abalone and mushroom鲍汁扣白灵菇: braised mushroom in abalone sauce; braised mushrooms in abalone sauce川菜白灵菇皇: braised mushroom in chilli sauce; braised mushrooms in chili sauce蚝皇原汁白灵菇 (每位): braised mushrooms in oyster sauce(per person)北菇鸡片烩花胶: braised sliced chicken with fish maw and mushroom白灵菇韭黄炒鳕鱼球: sautéed cod fillets with mushrooms and chives; sautéed codfish balls with mushrooms and hotbed chives白灵: bai ling; ling bai幽灵菇: ghost mushroom白灵淖: bailingnao白灵蝠: northern ghost bat; white bat敏白灵: meladinin