

发音:   用"白扁豆"造句
  • bean of white hyacinth dolichos
  • hyacinth dolichos seed
  • semen dolichoris
  • semen lablab album
  • white hyacinth bean
  • white lablab bean
  • white lablab seed
  • whitehyacinthbean
  • :    white
  • 扁豆:    hyacinth bean; dolichos labl ...
  • 白扁豆粉末:    white hyacinth bean
  • 白扁柏:    white cedar
  • 扁豆:    (莉豆) hyacinth bean; dolichos lablab (又名“鹊豆”、“蛾眉豆”) 小扁豆 lentil


  1. Bettering the standards for measuring the quality of dolichos lablab l
  2. Results the contents of total phospolipid in dolichos lablab l . was steady and up to the national standard
  3. Objective to determine and analyze the contents of total phospolipid in dolichos lablab l . from gap base of chinese medicinal materials in pingjiang , hunan , china
  4. Conclusion with the appropriate environment , the long history of culturing the material and the traditional planting technique for the culture of dolichos lablab l . the pingjiang gap bases in hunan is feasible to be the second production area for the culture of the crude drug in china


        :    white
        扁豆:    hyacinth bean; dolichos labl ...
        白扁豆粉末:    white hyacinth bean
        白扁柏:    white cedar
        扁豆:    (莉豆) hyacinth bean; dolichos lablab (又名“鹊豆”、“蛾眉豆”) 小扁豆 lentil
        扁豆(植物):    lentil
        扁豆根:    hyacinth dolichos root
        扁豆花:    biandouhua flos dolichoris; flos lablab; flower of hyacinth bean; flower of hyacinth dolichos; hyacinth dolichos flower; hyacinth-bean flower
        扁豆矿:    lenticular ore
        扁豆类:    flatworm
        扁豆粒:    phacoid
        扁豆属:    dolichos
        扁豆汤:    lentil soup
        扁豆藤:    hyacinth dolichos vine
        扁豆体:    lenticle; phacoid
        扁豆叶:    hyacinth dolichos leaf
        扁豆衣:    biandouhau testa dolichoris; coat of hyacinth bean; dolichoris testa; hyacinth dolichos spermoderm; testa dolichoris
        扁豆状:    lentiform
        炒扁豆:    stirfried green beans; stir-fried kidney beans
        毒扁豆:    apricot kernels; faba physostigma; ordeal bean
        黑扁豆:    black hyacinth bean
        山扁豆:    cassia; sensitiveplant-like senna herb
        小扁豆:    broom-like crotalaria root; lendtil; small lentil; tatarinow milkwort herb
        野扁豆:    villous dunbaria herb or seed; wild flat bean
        全棉本白扁棉绳:    all cotton flat grey rope



  1. "白边铁树"英文
  2. "白边延命草"英文
  3. "白边真鲨"英文
  4. "白边薮雀"英文
  5. "白扁柏"英文
  6. "白扁豆粉末"英文
  7. "白变"英文
  8. "白标记"英文
  9. "白标签麻浆纸"英文
  10. "白彪"英文


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