

  • registry and archives unit


        登记:    register; check in; enter on ...
        :    mix; blend
        档案:    files; archives; record; dos ...
        :    thigh; haunches
        数据处理和档案股:    data-processing and archives unit
        司法记录和档案股:    judicial records and archives unit
        档案股:    archiving unit
        报告和档案制度:    system for reporting and filing
        全国史料和档案委员会:    national historical publications and records commission
        登记和文件事务助理:    ation assistant
        民事登记和生命统计:    civil registration and vital statistics
        民事登记和生命统计系统:    civil registration and vital statistics system
        住宿登记和在饭店房间内:    check in and in the hotel room
        国际发展非洲文献图书馆和档案馆协会:    aidba; international association for the development of documentation libraries and archives in africa
        国际文件图书和档案咨询委员会:    iacodla; international advisory committee on documentation libraries and archives
        民事登记和生命统计训练讲习班:    training workshoon civil registration and vital statistics
        棕榈油登记和发放许可证管理局:    palm oil registration & licensing authority; porla
        档案:    files; archives; record; dossier◇档案保管 archives keeping; 档案编目 cataloguing of file; 档案标记 file signal; 档案分类 classification of documents; 档案复制 reproduction of documents; 档案工作 archives work; 档案管理 archives administration; 档案管理员 filer; file clerk; 档案馆 archives establishment; 档案柜 file; 档案记录 case record; 档案鉴定 verification of documents; 档案卡片 file card; 档案考证 research on documents; 档案利用 utilization of archives; 档案室 archives office; 档案收集 collection of documents; 档案统计 archival statistics; 档案销毁 destruction of documents; 档案修复 repair of documents; 档案学 archival science; 档案整理 archives arrangement
        笔记和讨论:    note taking & forms
        登记:    register; check in; enter one's name 结婚登记 marriage registration; 登记入册 be registered on the books; 在旅馆登记住宿 check in at a hotel; 在学校注册簿上登记姓名 enter names in the register of the school; 该俱乐部正式登记的成员有多少? how many members have officially registered in the club?; 登记标志 [工业] register mark; 登记标准 listing standard; 登记表(册) enrollment; 登记簿 register; accession; accession book; 登记处 registration [registry] office; 登记法 registration law; 登记费 registration fee; 登记公债 registered bond; 登记股东 stockholder of record; 登记柜 a chench-in counter; 登记会计师 certified public accountant; 登记机 tell-table; 登记码 poll code; 登记宽度 [船舶工程] register breadth; 登记人 registrant; 登记日期 date of registration; 登记商标 trademark; 登记税 registration tax; 登记通讯表 polling list; 登记证 registration; 登记证明书 certificate of ownership [registration]
        青年政策和方案股:    youth policies and programmes unit
        特别应急方案股:    unit for special emergency programmes
        亚洲区域方案股:    asian regional programme unit
        合伙簿记和会计:    partnership bookkeeping and accounting
        借记和贷记的金额:    debit and credit entries



  1. "登记号码"英文
  2. "登记号手册"英文
  3. "登记号数"英文
  4. "登记号索引"英文
  5. "登记号索引,登录号码索引"英文
  6. "登记和文件事务助理"英文
  7. "登记合格公司, 注册公司"英文
  8. "登记合格引水人;有照引水人"英文
  9. "登记后"英文


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