

[ dēngtángrùshì ] 发音:   "登堂入室"的汉语解释   用"登堂入室"造句
  • pass through the hall into the inner chamber; gain [get; obtain] the mastery of ...; reach the hall and enter the chamber; reach a higher level in one's studies or become more proficient in one's profession
  • 穿堂入室:    go everywhere as one pleases
  • 升堂入室:    pass through the hall into the inner chamber -- have profound scholarship; become highly proficient in one's profession; gain [get; obtain] the mastery of ...; reach a higher level in one's studies; reach [gain] the inner sanctum
  • 戈登堂:    gordon hall
  • 进入室:    inlet chamber; inletchamber
  • 录入室:    data entry room


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  1. She would certainly not allow number three to come in .
  2. My kind ? brother , before you started . .
  3. My kind ? brother , before you started
  4. This is one sure way of electing ignorant and incompetent men as senators
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        穿堂入室:    go everywhere as one pleases
        升堂入室:    pass through the hall into the inner chamber -- have profound scholarship; become highly proficient in one's profession; gain [get; obtain] the mastery of ...; reach a higher level in one's studies; reach [gain] the inner sanctum
        戈登堂:    gordon hall
        进入室:    inlet chamber; inletchamber
        录入室:    data entry room
        喂入室:    feed chamber; feed housing; feeder house
        吸入室:    suction chamber
        注入室:    flooding chamber
        泵吸入室:    pumsuction chamber
        豺狼入室:    a wolf enters the house
        入室操戈:    going into one's dwelling and grasping the weapons -- to start a fight in sb. else's house; turn someone's argument against him; use one's thought to attack one's own principle
        入室盗窃:    breakinss; butchery the trade of killing cutting and selling animals for food
        入室盗窃(罪):    burglary
        入室抢劫者:    burglar
        入室偷盗:    crack a crib
        入室行盗:    housebreaking burglary
        入室行窃:    housebreaking, burglary
        喂入室底板:    feeder plate
        蜗形吸入室:    valute suction
        引鹅入室:    the wrong trousers
        引狼入室:    invite [bring] a wolf into the house; bring disaster upon oneself; invite disaster by letting in invaders; lead a wolf into one's house -- to bring about ruin to oneself; let a wolf into the sheepfold; let wolves into the house; open the door to a dangerous foe; set a fox to keep one's geese; set the wolf to keep the sheep; usher [lead; bring] wolves into the house
        引郎入室:    about adam
        纵虎入室:    let a tiger loose in one's household
        在我们食堂入伙:    eat at our mess
        登特:    denter
        登坦:    dentan


        登堂入室的法语:Dans la maison
        登堂入室的日语:等同于(请查阅) shēng táng rù shì 【升堂入室】
        登堂入室的韩语:【성어】 마루에 올라 방으로 들어오다; 학문이나 예술에 대한 조예가 깊어지다. =[升堂入室]
        登堂入室的俄语:pinyin:dēngtángrùshì проникать в самое святилище, постигать сокровенные тайны (учения); достигать вершин (науки)
        登堂入室的阿拉伯语:في المنزل;
        登堂入室什么意思:dēng táng rù shǐ 【解释】比喻学问或技能从浅到深,达到很高的水平。 【出处】《论语·先进》:“由也升堂矣,未入于室也。” 【拼音码】dtrs 【用法】连动式;作谓语、宾语、定语;用于称颂人 【英文】pass through the hall into the inner chamber――reach a higher level in one's studies or f...


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