瘦: thin; emaciated死: die的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...骆驼: camel比: 2大: big; large好奇的骆驼: 18.curious camel; curious camel哭泣的骆驼: exe( 454,k); geschichte vom weinenden kamel, die; the story of the weeping camel天边的骆驼: the camel on the horizon羊群中的骆驼: big fish in the little pond一只眼睛的骆驼: a one-eyed camel比马: bima; bumat; byma马大: martha骆驼: camel◇骆驼病 camel disease; 骆驼刺 alhagi; 骆驼队 camel train; caravan; 骆驼毛 camel hair; 骆驼绒 camel hair cloth死的: dead and turned to clay; deathly; defunct; lifeless; necrosis; out for the count; space characteristics dead比马尔: bimal比马河: bima river比马赫: bimaj比马克: bimark比马拉: bimala比马力: specific power比马棉: pima cotton比马泰: bumatex比马湾: bima teluk; teluk bima翁比马: ombima
瘦死的骆驼比马大的日语:shou4si3deluo4tuobi3ma3da4 [谚]腐っても鲷瘦死的骆驼比马大的韩语:【속담】 말라 죽은 낙타라도 말보다는 크다; 썩어도 준치. 부자는 망해도 삼 년 먹을 것이 있다. =[大船破了还有三颗钉] [牛瘦角不瘦]瘦死的骆驼比马大的俄语:нет ху́да без добра́