痴狂: nonsensical; irrational; sil ...情: feeling; affection; sentimen ...迷: be confused; lose one's way; ...狂情迷夜: midmight orchid痴狂: nonsensical; irrational; silly; senseless狂情: nagon att alska情迷: amy fisher story; lost in love; the butcher; three colours- white美丽痴狂: about 17; at seventeen为爱痴狂: dying for dolly; everybody's somebody's fool; fool for love; in the mix我心痴狂: greensleeves was my delight暴雨狂情4: a colder kind of death暴雨狂情5: a killing spring都市狂情: bad influence惊狂情谋: frozen with fear狂情保姆: the perfect nanny狂情错爱: faithless; treulosen, die; uskoton狂情魔徒: de l'amour狂情难了: gloomy sunday - ein lied von liebe und tod狂情杀机: malicious狂情杀手: dragon killer狂情生化人: companion the烈火狂情: exit in red欲海狂情: dream with the fishes致命狂情: killing obsession春浓满楼情痴狂: sweet bird of youth