病: illness; sickness; disease; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...侵袭: make inroads on; invade and ...霉的侵袭: mildew attack受蜱的侵袭: ixodiasis疾病的侵入: invasion of disease侵袭: make inroads on; invade and attack; smite; hit 侵袭儿童的疾病 a disease that attacks children; 台风侵袭沿海地区。 the typhoon hit the coastal areas病的: bad; diseased; krank adj; malade; morbid; prolepsis; sick打扰,侵袭: intrude侵入;侵袭: invade v. attack and spread into so as to take control of侵袭, 侵入: make inroads upon侵袭癌: invasive carcinoma侵袭的: invasive侵袭力: aggressivity; invasive power; invasiveness; invesiveness侵袭率: attack rate侵袭期: invasional; invasive stage; stage of invasion侵袭素: invasin侵袭性: invasiveness版权的侵犯: infringement of copyright大气的侵蚀: atmospheric corrosion独立的侵害: independent injury风雨的侵蚀: erosion by wind and rain一致的侵蚀: corrosion of conformity蟑螂的侵扰: an infestation of cockroaches有病的,生病的: sick