- medical bulletin
- 病情: patient's condition
- 公报: communiqué; bulletin
- 病情: state of an illness; patient's condition 病情恶化 the worsening of (one's) illness; one's illness has taken a turn for the worse. 孩子的病情有好转。 the child's condition took a favourable turn.; the child's condition was improving.; 病情公报 medical bulletin; 病情记录 pathography; 病情检查 work-up; 病情学 nosography; 病情骤变 apostasis; 病情指数 disease index
- 公报: communiqué; bulletin 联合公报 joint communiqué; 新闻公报 press communiqué; 政府公报 (government) bulletin
- 多情公主: elena et les hommes