I thought i was going down greatly in his estimation . 我想他对我的估价正在疾速地跌落。
One bullet and then another flew hissing by him ; he took his left hand in his right , and with a last effort ran as far as the bushes 一颗又一颗子弹咝咝作响地从他身边飞过去了。他鼓足最后的力气,用右手抓住左手,向灌木林疾速地跑去。
Looking round at the waters of the enns under the bridge , nesvitsky suddenly heard a sound new to him , the sound of something rapidly coming nearer something big , and then a splash in the water 涅斯维茨基朝桥底下望了望恩斯河的滚滚流水,忽然间听见一种奇异的响声,好像有什么东西疾速地靠近这东西体积很大,扑通一声落到水中。
If possible , we may read some english tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in our mouth ( just as the chinese cross - talk actors do . ) to train our oral cavity muscle and tongues suitable for english pronunciation 假如能够的话,咱们能够在嘴里含一两块糖,大声疾速地朗读一些英文绕口令(就好像中国的相声演员训练一样)来练习咱们的口腔肌肉和舌头灵敏度,以合适英语的语音发音请求。
While the apsheron battalion was marching by , miloradovitch , a red - faced man , wearing a uniform and orders , with no overcoat , and a turned - up hat with huge plumes stuck on one side , galloped ahead of them , and saluting in gallant style , reined up his horse before the tsar 当阿普舍的一营人走过的时候,面色绯红的米洛拉多维奇没有披军大衣,穿着一身制服,胸前挂满了勋章,歪歪戴着一顶大缨帽,疾速地向前驰骋,在皇帝面前猛然勒住战马,英姿勃勃地举手敬礼。
地: the earth轻快疾速地奔驰: romp疾速: haste; velocity疾速的: meteorictantivy; tantivy快速地, 急速地: apace快速地,迅速地: quickly飞速地: whiand spur高速地: at a great lick急速地: allegro; amain; apace; hastily; in haste; post; pronto; rapidly; sharp加速地: post渐速地: acceded尽速地: prestissimo快速地: apace; fleetly; on the double流速地: kinemometer全速地: amain; at a full jump; at a great lick; at full lick; at full speed; at full tilt; in full career; lickety-split迅速地: deliverly; expeditiously; fast; fleetly; in short order; like wildfire; on the double; promptly; quickly; rapidly; roundly; speedily; swiftly; with expedition黑疾速兽: black rapidmon疾速动力: rocket power - le cauchemar dotto疾速快递: prompt delivery疾速赛车: speed racer疾速赛车手: speed racer疾速射击: accelshooter疾速苏格兰: the flying scotsman疾速响应: haste疾速行动: haste haste